Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wallenda Walk

You may know about the topic of this article considering this event was broad casted around the whole world last week and over 16 Million people watched as Nik Wallenda, a 7th generation tightrope walker, made a famous walk across the world wonder Niagara Falls. The Falls separates the border between the United States and Canada and the water from 4 of the 5 Great Lakes flow into the Falls. This daring stunt has never happened. In the past, people have crossed the gorge but never directly over Niagara Falls. Nik Wallenda completed the unthinkable on June 15, 2012. 

Wallenda has always dreamed of being able to walk the high wire over Niagara Falls since he was a little 6 year old. Nik has accomplished and owns 6 different World Records. He isn't just known for his stunts on the high wire, he attempts many dangerous stunts, others wouldn't dare attempt. Nik Wallenda is a direct descendant of Karl Wallenda, whom he calls his role model and his "biggest hero in life." Wallenda enjoys the family business. "I like to mix it up," he says. "It keeps [our family] on our toes and gives the public something new to see every year." The whole family is involved in the preforming business, including his young children who also plan on preforming in the future. Stunts have been in his family since the 1700s. His great grand father, Karl Wallenda, was the founder of the world famous flying Wallendas. Tragically, Karl lost his life doing what he loved and during every event, the family make sure to honor him in some way. Wallenda even has his shoes made by his mom. It's always been a family tradition that his mom made the shoes.

What made this daredevil cross the Falls? His heart and desire. Wallenda has a strong faith in god and loves what he does. He doesn't do it for the fame and fortune, he does it because he enjoys it, wants to continue on the family legacy, and entertain the fans. Wallenda spent more then 2 years pleading with the government officials from both sides of the border in order to make this walk happen. The daredevil was denied multiple times, yet he wasn't giving up without a fight. Finally the date was set. June 15, Wallenda would walk Niagara Falls. Wallenda's practices began. Wallenda did a walk across Baltimore Harbor. People were scared after this as he almost fell from the high wire and he hadn't even fasted the major conditions of Falls. Wallenda claimed to have been talking to his friend in the bucket when he almost fell and it caused him to lose concentration. 
Wallenda then started to prepare for the real thing at practices outside the Seneca Niagara Casino for almost 2 weeks. He had fire hoses and a jet from a boat that helped him get the feel for the elements of the Falls. At his last practice Wallenda stated, " We gained a huge amount of experience here, we learned a lot about how the cable will react." Nik felt very confident and tired following his final practice and was ready to return home to relax before his big day.

June 15 came and there was little change in plans. His major sponsor, ABC, made Nik wear a harness. Nik felt this would lose a lot of value to the event. Making the event less dangerous but did the stunt anyways. Before his walk, him and his family prayed and said their final good byes. During the walk Wallenda was talking to his dad. Also, Nik was was very connected with god and continuously prayed through the whole walk. He was not nervous at all during the walk and was very confident. Nik made across way faster then predicted. It took a little more then 25 mins. Nik accomplished his life long dream.

“It’s exciting to know that I was part of history,” Wallenda, 33, said, looking back on his stunning accomplishment Friday night.  “What a blessing, the life that I’ve had so far. To be able to complete something that no one in the world ever has is quite an honor.” “Mentally, your mind goes, ‘What are you doing?’ That’s where I tell myself you’re on a wire. The wire is the same whether you’re over land or over water or over the moon, it’s still the same so focus on the wire and, again, focus on the other side,” he said.
Wallenda will never forget his trip over the high wire. He already has plans to return to Niagara Falls very soon. Also, he already received the permit to cross the Grand Canyon.

By: Josh  Josh's Hockey Articles



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